It all started Monday when Miss Weeding told us we would be learning about our 5 senses. ***Here enters Teacher Potato Head!!***
Miss Weeding gave the students a blank potato, just like Mr. Potato head. We talked about how without any parts, it's hard to function! The students got together and decided that Teacher Potato Head needed some very important senses, just like we do. So, we gave our friend ears, eyes, a mouth, nose and hands to help her hear, see, taste, smell and touch. (And of course they gave her a name too ;))
We learned that we would be using our 5 senses out in the woods when we traveled to Brush Lake for our field trip.....
SO, Friday morning 20 students, 4 parents, 1 teacher and a bunch of smiling faces loaded the buses up for our very first field trip of the year! It was chilly outside for a nice stroll through the woods (luckily we dressed warm), but the students had an absolute BLAST going on a scavenger hunt and using their 5 senses in the woods.

We saw a lot, hear a lot, smelled a lot, touched a lot and a few of us even tasted a few things! We learned leaves aren't the greatest to eat! ;)
Ask your child about their favorite part about Brush Lake and ask them to tell you about our 5 senses! They're pros!
Happy weekend! Enjoy the beautiful fall weather!
~Miss Weeding
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