For the last week and a half we have learned about everything pumpkin. It's called a pumpkin investigation!!! From describing a pumpkin, to learning the parts of a pumpkin, to practicing the life cycle of a pumpkin, to tasting pumpkin...you name it...we've probably done it!
In order to become pumpkin pros, we had to start by learning the life cycle!
What is the life cycle of a pumpkin you may ask?
You've come to the right place. We're kind of, sort of, maybe pros at it!
We identified the parts: stem, skin, seeds, pulp!
**It always amazes me how much information these kiddos can soak up. Their excitement every day to jump into our science lesson makes me so happy! They truly LOVE learning and it makes teaching them so much easier!**
It's not an investigation without predicting and measuring. So, predicting and measuring we did! We guessed how many cubes tall our pumpkin would be and how many cubes wide our pumpkin was. Next, we actually had to measure it!
Last, but certainly not least we got to TASTE pumpkin. Call us brave...or crazy...but, we did it! Can't you see how excited they are??!?!
Some of us liked it...most of us did not! ;)

These brave girls take the cake for finishing ALL of their pumpkin!
Ask the boys though, they said it tastes like baby food! YUM! ;)
We once again had SO much fun learning about all of these fun things and after a few weeks of describing, measuring, identifying and tasting...we are now considering ourselves pumpkin PROS! Got a question about pumpkins?? ASK US! :)
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