Friday, May 26, 2017

First Graders, Pack Your bags!

Grab those sleeping bags and flashlights............

We are headed to Camp Learned-A-Lot for a week of fun and games!


It's hard to believe that the school year is almost over. Yikes! To say I am proud of these kiddos would be an understatement. They have truly exceeded every expectation and I couldn't be more blessed to have had them in my class (I get a little teary just thinking of sending them on to second grade). They have worked SO hard and really pushed themselves this year. 

To celebrate all of our hard work, we packed our bags and sleeping bags and headed off to Camp Learned-A-Lot! (Ok...not really...but kind of ;))

 The start of camp included a skit saying farewell to our parents for the week and being welcomed by the Head Counselor and Positive Polly! They told us we'd spend the week reading by the campfire, playing math games, creating projects, having a "camp out" in our sleeping bags and even mixing up a few camp snacks....WE CAN'T WAIT!!! 


What the students didn't know was that Camp Learned-A-Lot was a great way to review and practice all we've learned this year! 

We wrote about what we would bring camping if we could ONLY bring 3 things with (and our writing skills have come a long way!!!), we practiced ABC order (which we're now pros at), we completed some camper problem solving riddles during math, and we went on a scavenger hunt to see what outdoor items we could find (the weather was just too beautiful not to). We even got to have a "cookout" around the fire and eat lunch in the classroom! :) 

One our favorite parts of the week was all the camp games we got to play. Frogger, leader of the band, pink grizzly bear, camouflage, milk duds in your tomato name it, we've probably played it! Good thing Miss Weeding was a camp counselor back in the day...she had all kinds of games up her sleeve. And we loved all of them!!!

Another highlight was making classroom s'mores. I mean, what's a campout without s'mores???? We didn't think the custodians would  be very happy with us if we started a real fire, so we "roasted" our marshmallows over a not so real flame. ;) And they were just as delicious!!!

We ended our final day of Camp Learned-A-Lot by relaxing in our sleeping bags and watching Open Season on the big screen. We felt just like we were sleeping under the stars! 


Overall, camp was a huge success and such a great way to celebrate another wonderful school year. Thank you for sharing your children with me. I feel so blessed!

Happy Weekend! Enjoy!!!
~Miss Weeding

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