Friday, February 10, 2017

Hooray for the 100th Day!!!!


We've made it! Today marked the 100th day of school and I must say, every single one of those 100 days has been wonderful!!!!!

To keep tradition's a special day...and on special days we today, we did just that. 

Welcome to Room 104. Miss Weeding's First Grade Classroom. Where every day is a day of learning and fun. Come on in (the kids had to crawl in this morning)!!!

A fun fact: we LOVE to dress up. So, dress up we will. Prepare to see some of the CUTEST 100 year old ladies and gentlemen this side of the first grade pod.



 Can they get much cuter?????

To kick off our morning we started our calendar by singing and counting to 100 by 1's, 5's and 10's. Because Miss Weeding has such a wonderful voice (HA!), she also likes to sing. A lot. So singing we must do.

We created an art project. Made 100 Days Brighter crowns. Wrote our "Bucket Lists" for what we want to do before we are 100. And talked about all we've learned so far this year and how very, very hard we've worked.

We made a 100 day snack with items that each student brought in. Yum! We did some 100 day math stations, had a cup stacking contest with 100 cups, made structures with 100 building blocks, AND at the end of the day.... we got our CERTIFICATES for 100 days of learning! WOW!
I am going to have a proud teacher moment.....
These kids have worked SO incredibly hard this year and have come such a long ways since the first day of school. They have so much to be proud of and so do YOU as parents, family members, friends, etc. This is a team effort and I have to thank families for all of the support they give their child at home. I am beyond lucky to be your child's teacher and I count my blessings each and every day.

Happy 100th day! Ask your child their peek of the day today! There were lots!
~Miss Weeding

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