Monday, October 10, 2016

Read, Read, Read!

READ! It's SO important!

As first graders, we've been working hard on learning strategies to help us become better readers. These are strategies that you can be trying at home, as well. Our goal is to all be reading fluently this year...we can do it!!!

If I am stuck on a word, I can...

1. Sound it out-- Sound out each letter (c-a-t).

2. Use picture clues.

3. Find the beginning sound-- m- ap (map).

4. Think about what makes sense.

5. Think about what you already know.

6. Look for rhyming words-- cat; bat.

7. Re-read-- Good readers go back and re-read to help make sense of something.

8. Ask for help-- Give it a try first and always know you can ask for help!

9. Use your tracker finger-- Follow along with your pointer finger.

10. Skip it and come back-- Skip the word. You can always come back to it.

11. ENJOY!-- Most importantly, enjoy. Reading is supposed to be FUN!

These are great strategies to be trying in school and at home! Together we will make our students fabulous readers!

Happy reading!
~Miss Weeding

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