Friday, September 7, 2018

Let's Do It Again!

To say the first week was a blur would be an understatement. Between get-to-know-you games, kicking of a brand new reading curriculum, jumping head first into our first math unit, back to school testing, and lots of games and activities, we somehow managed to make it through week one...and we all still have smiles on our faces! 

This week has gone by in the blink of an eye but it has been a HUGE indication as to what the year has in store for us and I simply can’t wait! This group of 21 first graders has made me smile, hug, laugh, play, listen, learn and continue to love my job even more (and did I say smile??? :)) in only 4 short days!

Our first day started of a little jittery as some of us were feeling those first day jitters. Don’t worry though, that jitter juice helped those butterflies fly right out of our tummies!  We rocked day 1 in true first grade fashion and we’re ready to bring on day 2.

Our second day we were off and running! Rules and procedures? We’ve got them down! We learned what it’s like to be good listeners and learners and a highlight for many of us was a fun game of “bubble gum.” 

Day three? Let’s go! We kept chugging along practicing our classroom expectations and an exciting part of today was our first day of music! We also learned how to use twitter and keep our families updated on all of the fun happenings in our room!

Day 4- Happy Friday! An entire week has flown by and the days seem to go faster and faster. We spent the day getting to know eachother more, practicing writing our numbers to 50 and talking about our favorite part of the first week! And we even snuck in a little extra play time outside!

I hope your child LOVED school as mush as I did this week. I can't wait for week 2!!! Happy weekend- enjoy the sunshine!
~Miss Weeding

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