Project Lead The Way.
A new, hands on way for students to engage in scientific activities and really dig deeper by developing in-demand knowledge and skills they need to thrive.
The entire first grade has been involved in a "science camp" the past few days where our focus has been exploring and explaining how animals have adapted to their environments.
Our job: to learn about these different environments and adaptations through a series of hands on/higher level thinking activities and discussions.
We will talk about protection, camouflage, food and locomotion.
They were asked to use their IMAGINATIONS (something first graders know a lot about ;)) to pretend they are traveling to one of these environments. They will have to prepare their traveler and design a tool that their traveler can use to help gather food, a way to camouflage themselves, protect themselves and how they can move around in their given environment. A variety of supplies were provided and they were off! It was so fun to see how their brains worked, how well they worked with their group members and how much FUN they were having!
They LOVED being able to be the "expert" and present their environments and creations to the class.
For our last activity, students will be challenged to design a DREAM shoe for a trip to their different environments. They will design an ideal shoe for the arctic, ocean, sahara desert, tropical rainforest or african savanna. They will consider what they're traveler will be doing on their trip. Will they be climbing? Swimming? Walking? How can they help their traveler get the most of out of their visit and keep them safe?
We hope you've enjoyed reading and learning about our science camp! We had an absolute blast and it was so fun watching the students work and create. I could see the wheels just spinning! The students really shined throughout these activities and it made Miss Weeding so, VERY happy!
Ask your child about science camp, environments and animal adaptations. They'll have a LOT to share!!! :)
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